WarpUp (8/442)

From:Rajnai Almos
Date:03 Dec 99 at 15:09:08
Subject:[warpup] WOS -> PUP

Hello There!

I know that this list is about WarpOS, but I have a question, to be
asked, and I could not find any forum to ask...

I am in a PPC project, our goal is porting (some parts, at least) of
Moovid (the popular MOV/QT/AVI video player) to PowerPC. I like WOS
very much, so I assured Laszlo Torok (the author of the 68k version),
and we built a library for codecs and other features.
After the first betas a lot of users asked for PowerUP version. My
first reaction was a total rejection of this possiblilty, I did not
want that painful work.
Unfortunately we get more and more requests for the PUP version, so
Laszlo told me that we should try to create a transparent solution.
First I tought that it will be an easy job: there is not too much to
do: some simple context-switches, when some of the ported features
used. We make two different library one for WOS, and one for PUP.

But... Under PUP I can't get the relocated symbols, and even if I
could reach them somehow, there is no possibility of calling a PPC
code directly from the 68k side. (I did not find any solution.)

So much painfully I have to build up a message system, but I have no
intention at all to do so.

Any idea? Please help me!

Thanks in advance:

Almos Rajnai

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