WarpUp (57/442)

From:Micha� Bartczak
Date:07 Dec 99 at 09:07:19
Subject:[warpup] Re: Warp3D Demos

> The problem I have with the demos is that when I run them (PPC
> the machine crashes (there's some output to serial port)...however 68k
> executables (demos) work, so at least my configuration of Warp3D is OK and
> my permedia2 chip is working, so I wonder if something messed up with my
> WarpOS environment variables, anyway that would be strange since I haven't
> done anything so they change...

Hmm... one question - what compiler had you used to make ppc version of
warp3d demos? If VBCC, you should remember about -amiga-align...

