WarpUp (43/442)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:05 Dec 99 at 23:27:39
Subject:[warpup] POP

Am 05-Dez-99 schrieb William W. Toner II:

>> IIRC the escena was supposed to live around all by itself on the zorro bus,
>> as some advanced coprocessor card? Sounds even more like a computer in the
>> computer than the P5 cards, might just as well get a PCI busboard and
>> some PCI based oneboard ppc computer from motorola. Or what?
>> Really.. wouldnt it be alot simpler for all of us if we just dropped all
>> these non-standard solutions and went for a PoP-box?

>What's a PoP-box? Will WarpUP run on it so I can use all my Amiga software?
>not, I'll stick with my miggy, and put as many non-standard solutions in it
>as I like. :)

A POP-Box is a computer which most likely will sit on (below?) my desk next
year (together with my current AMIGA's). First as Linux-Box, but if
everything goes well, then it will become an AMIGA-Box, too, running AOS
(PPC-)natively, WarpUp through wrapper implementations and all other
68K soft through emulation. Nothing's sure yet (as always), but the
direction has been set.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
| (__ / NCC \
Also at HAAGE & PARTNER PowerPC | __| 1701-D |
development section __|_(__ \ /
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We develop to WarpUP the AMIGA! \______/