WarpUp (425/442)

From:Carl H. Aaby
Date:29 Dec 99 at 14:19:00
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: PPClibEmu on BPPC solved !

----- Original Message -----
From: "Andreas Hippauf" <AHippauf@t-online.de>
To: <warpup-list@haage-partner.com>
Sent: Tuesday, December 28, 1999 1:03 PM
Subject: pup] Re: PPClibEmu on BPPC sol

> Hello Fredrik
> Am 25-Dez-99 schrieb Fredrik Nilsson:
> > It seems that i have found the problem with the strange crashes.
> > The first problem was "rom2fast". When i disabled it the computer
> > reboots ok every time but still the ppclibemulation didn't work
> > correctly. Then i disabled Birdie and since then everything has
> > worked just geat :-).
> > Thanks Frank Wille for the help.
> Birdie should not be the problem! I do have an A1200 running PPCLibEmu
> and Birdie together without problems. Do you load JPGs with Birdie?
> (I dont even know, whether Birdie supports datatypes). Anyway, try to
> use ilbm-graphics (iff) and tell me, where you start birdie in your
> user-startup!

Birdie usees datatypes to load the graphics, so this might be the problem.
Birdie itself should defenetly not be the problem.

Carl H. Aaby
Triumph Software