WarpUp (424/442)

From:Domagoj Ozanic
Date:28 Dec 99 at 22:34:36
Subject:[warpup] Re: powerpc with libraries, devices and resources?

On 28-Dec-99, Sam Jordan Sam (sam_jordan@spin.ch) wrote:

> Am 28-Dez-99 schrieb Mikael Lindholm:
>> When will PowerPC.library support open/close/add/remove routines for
>> handling of libraries, devices and resources like as exec.library do?
> You seem to forget that the powerpc.library/WarpOS is *only* a
> PowerPC interface, which runs under a host OS. The host OS (Amiga-OS)
> is responsible for 99% of all OS-related operations, or in other words:
> Amiga-OS is the master over almost everything and AOS wasn't designed
> to share resources with other OSes. Therefore WarpOS/powerpc.library
> simply has to go over AOS for most operations in order to get reliable
> results (and we of course want reliable results, don't we?).
> Libraries: there is absolutely no need for new functions, simply
> because WarpUp shared libraries are 100% compatible to normal AOS
> shared libraries, therefore it's no problem to use exec for all
> these things. And *please* noone even think of writing anything about
> performance as a response to this mail (such as '...but what if anybody
> opens/closes libraries 1000000 times per second?...').
> Devices and Resources are controlled by AOS. The only resource owned
> by WarpOS is the PowerPC processor.
> You have to realize that the current situation is definitely nothing
> else than just a hack, it can in no way be compared to other PPC
> based architectures. What we need is AOS PPC to remove this hack.

Will WarpUP software work on AOS PPC as it is now (without recompiling)?

BTW, what is the difference between using words WarpUP and WarpOS (is there
any?). Which is more correct when we talk about your ppc extension to AOS?

Domagoj Ozanic (domagoj.ozanic@zg.tel.hr)
Warp PPC Station - www.tripod.com/ppcstation/
AMIGA 1200T | BPPC 603e/200 MHz | 82 MB RAM
68LC040/25 MHz | BVisionPPC/Permedia2 | Quantum Fireball 4.3 GB
AmigaOS | LinuxPPC | MacOS