WarpUp (415/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:28 Dec 99 at 12:41:52
Subject:[warpup] Installing WarpUp

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> I need some help to get WarpUp working. I have installed
ow> the latest version and I have verified that ppc.library
ow> is not loaded in to RAM. But I can not start the programs
ow> in WarpUp:Tools/ since they need v14+ of powerpc.library.

Well, maybe you have a quite old version of powerpc.library ? Current
powerpc.library is V15.

ow> I have installed a FlashUpdate from March 1999 but not
ow> the latest one.

ow> What do I have to do to get this thing working?

If no ppc.library application (including CGX PPC and PPCInstall) is installed,
it should work out of the box.

ow> Is there any other information about WarpUp since I
ow> think the documentation included in the archive is
ow> mostly for developers. Or is it that it is just so
ow> plain simple...

Just use the installer or copy the files

warpHW.library (go sure you copy the warpHW.library for CyberstormPPC, there
is one version for CS PPC, one for B PPC and one for the old
Betatester Boards)

to libs:

That is all. You also need to set some env-variables, but the included
installer script does this. Alternatively you can check your env-settings with
a tool called WarpUPSettings.lha from Aminet. But normally there should not be
anything which could get really wrong.

You get the latest version at:


or on Aminet.

Steffen Haeuser