WarpUp (390/442)

From:Joseph Fenton
Date:25 Dec 99 at 23:21:20
Subject:Re: [warpup] official Quake Porting Project

Steffen Haeuser wrote:
> I won't take WarpUP-specifics out because of a PowerUP port. What i will do is
> to include comments which explains all WarpUP-specific things and what they
> do. So if someone wants to do a PowerUP port (I still doubt someone would
> waste his time with it :) ) he is free to do the stuff... it should really not
> be more than an afternoon of work to do this.
> ow> That's a good question. Who will work on Quake at all ? Any one interested
> ow> at all ?
> Well, me :) I won't compile a PowerUP version, though. I am offering my source
> code - like specified in the license from ID Software - but all changes needed
> to make a PowerUP version have to be done by the PowerUP fans themselves (if
> there is anybody interested in a PowerUP version, that is). As i said before,
> i expect PowerUP to completely disappear before long anyways.

I could probably do that... I have SAS/C with the PPC module and
did ADoomPPC; I'd even keep it compatible with the PUP emu library
like ADoomPPC is. :^}

I'd like to do Warp work on it, but my StormC is old and buggy.