WarpUp (389/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:25 Dec 99 at 22:23:59
Subject:Re: [warpup] official Quake Porting Project

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> I still think there are people interested in a PowerUp port, if only to
ow> replace their illeal copy by a perfectly leal, official Quake PPC.

Yes. Well, what i will do is to add some comments at the start of every file
if and what would have to be changed for a PowerUP port. I am convinced that
asides from some includes and stuff like AllocVecPPC/FreeVecPPC/... it is not

ow> Steffen, your mail reader is really messed up. My signature is there, and
ow> there's alwas the from field. But in case your mailer messes up again,
ow> I *am* Thomas :)

Seems so. In THIS mail the signature was there again BTW :) (and before there
was definitely another guy who was not you talking about this matter also :)
After Sam brought it up... :))) )

ow> As I said earlier, I won't do it. I've got enough work to do. I just tried
ow> to give advice.

Okay. Anyways, i think it would be good if people interested in advancing the
port could contact me, so that we could get things together, and avoid same
things being done twice or more... and getting a common source code tree. I
wrote what is still missing in my earlier mail. So if someone wanted to do
something about this - fine :)
