WarpUp (378/442)

From:Marion E. Wyatt
Date:25 Dec 99 at 05:10:28
Subject:[warpup] Re: Broken WarpMame-Link

On 24-Dec-99 at 23:14:32, Murat wrote these words of wisdom:
> Hi,
> does anybody out there managed to fully download the alpha version of
> WarpMame?
> At every try the download stops around 2,8 megs, i think there i something
> wrong with the link or maybe the file is not complete...
> Any Ideas?

I downloaded it a few days ago but it doesn't work on my system. Try
downloading it again.

Marion E. Wyatt AMIGA3000 CSPPC/233+060/50 CV64/3D OS3.5 138MB 1GB ZIP100
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