WarpUp (377/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:25 Dec 99 at 04:04:55
Subject:Re: [warpup] official Quake Porting Project

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> Sam's suggestion to have an organized Quake porting group is a great idea.
ow> The basic intention should be to have a feature-packed Quake version, not
ow> multiple ports of Quake where some have this feature, and others have
ow> this. So, I would suggest some careful planning is needed.


ow> First of all, I would suggest getting a CVS server somewhere on the net.
ow> IIRC, ninemoons.com offer this for open source projects, or COSA. For a

Okay. As soon as it is clear where, i will upload my source there. I am doing
the stuff "cleanly done", don't fear. I would not release (and suggest this
also for others) any code which is not yet properly working (like the network
code, which i only have working as long as the Amiga is the Server, currently).

ow> The next step would be to assemble a fixed team before anybody does any
ow> real work to do the different stuff. Even if Quake isn't hard to port at
ow> first glance, you still have to coordinate the effort, to avoid people
ow> doing the same work twice, and to avoid putting in features that may
ow> hinder other features. For instance, consider the way the input is done:
ow> If it's messed up, it will be hard to put in support for analog joysticks,
ow> sega pads, or playstation pads.

Well, i am doing the input like this:

in_amiga.c controls all sub-input-modules
Up to now there are two sub-modules, in_joy.c and in_mouse.c, but it would not
be a problem to add for example in_analogue.c.

All code is cleanly done, thinking first, coding second.

I told i have some stuff working already. What would be good if someone
overtook the Sound-stuff (not CD Audio... CD Audio I have already working...).

ow> What also may be an issue is the compiler: Steffen already suggested
ow> StormC, but this should be agreed on by everybody in the team (some people
ow> may not have StormC at all), plus it may be an issue for PowerUp versions.

I am not so sure if this is really an issue :) But well, maybe.

I could easily modify my code to be compiler independent, and if people say
which compiler THEY want to use, i could add support for them to those parts i
already did. Who would be interested on helping to work on the source, BTW ?

I have to add that i use some PPC-Native optimizations in vid_amiga.c which
could not be overtaken directly into PowerUP. So for a PowerUP version there
would have to be added a vid_powerup.c, if this is really wished.

ow> Make this a great project, this will avoid the chaos that came with Doom
ow> (how many version where there ? 6 ?), and the Quake port will be the most
ow> feature packed version of all platforms.


ow> Me or Hans-J�rg will probably volunteer to take over the OpenGL part once
ow> the MiniGL is finished...

This surely would be nice :)
