WarpUp (362/442)

From:Sam Jordan
Date:23 Dec 99 at 20:02:47
Subject:[warpup] Re: [3DWorld] Re: Quake Request

Am 23-Dez-99 schrieb Claus Luethje:

>I understand what you're saying and you can count on me waiting for
>Quake ports made by professionals and not by crackers. But there's
>one problem: I don't know who did those illegal ports, which means I
>can't avoid them. Any idea??
>How can I see which port is which? In the beginning it might be easy, but in
>weeks I probably can't tell the difference.

I think that people will find out and will report the experience to
these mailing lists. Every port has its own tiny little specialty
(like little bugs), allowing to identify it.


Sam Jordan ______
eMail: s.jordan@haage-partner.com _______ / \
sam_jordan@spin.ch (private) ()_______) / \
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