WarpUp (297/442)

From:Tobias Seiler
Date:18 Dec 99 at 14:48:07
Subject:[warpup] Re: WarpUp ML Guidelines

Hello Sam

On 18-Dez-99, you wrote:

> Am 18-Dez-99 schrieb Stian Str�m:
>>> This mailing list basically serves to discuss PowerPC/WarpUp related
>>> issues, although there are lots of related topics which fit to this
>>> mailing list, too. It's also no problem to raise topics about PowerUp/
>>> ppc.library in those discussions, but please remember, that there also
>>> exist mailing lists directly related to PowerUp, so please ask
>>> technical/specific questions there. Technical questions about ppclibemu
>>> are certainly very welcome here, as it's very likely that such question
>>> are answered quickly.
>> I would like to add, if it's ok:
>> I think it would be a good idea to check if someone else has answered
>> the same mail that you are replying to before sending.
> Better idea: somebody could set up a WarpUp ML FAQ, just like it's
> already done in the 3DWorld mailing list. This FAQ would be sent at
> a regular interval.
>> I found 53 mails with the topic "Re: WarpOS problems", and is that
>> realy necessery? Haven't had time to read all of those, but it's a lot...
> The subject doesn't say much, as the topics change quite quickly while
> the subject isn't changed.

Would it be so difficult to change the subject when replying to a mail ?
Something like:

"WarpUp ML Guidelines was (Re: WarpOS problems)"

Bye, Tobias