WarpUp (295/442)

From:Frank Wille
Date:18 Dec 99 at 13:07:13
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: WarpOS problems

Nick Curcio wrote:

> I'm using WarpUp and ppclibemu, and when I run CSPPC233Fix_wos I can't
> start any PowerUp programs under emulation at all.

This can never be a side effect of CSPPC233Fix alone (provided
you startet the WOS-version). Starting another WarpOS program
should have the same effect then.

> It's as if ppc.library isn't even there. All PowerUp programs
> report as being not executable.

Then the ElfLoadSeg patch isn't installed, which means that the
ppc.library was never initialized or flushed again.

Try "loadlib ppc.library" again and check if anything changes. If
not, I assume that your environment variable settings in ENV:PowerPC
is incorrect.

PowerPC/NoPatch has to be "1" and PowerPC/Terminator must never
be "2".

_ Frank Wille (frank@phoenix.owl.de)
_ // http://home.owl.de/~frank/
\X/ Phx @ #AmigaGer