WarpUp (283/442)

From:Steve Hodson
Date:17 Dec 99 at 23:51:24
Subject:[warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards

Hello Steffen

On 17-Dec-99, you wrote:

> owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :
> Hi!
>> There is still nothing stopping H&P offering their famed WarpUp+68k
>> emulation on the Phase5 boards assuming Phase5 come good on making it
>> open system and offering the hardware specs to developers (and even
>> don't I'm sure SOMEONE will feel the urge to reverse hack it)
> There is still the question "Why should H&P work on making it work on the
> P5 Boards for free, when other manufacturers might pay them money for
> doing it for their Boards ?" Even if they do it for the P5 Boards, i guess
> the guys who pay get served first... and i am quite sure the guys who pay
> would not be too happy with P5 getting it for free... so i am not sure
> what H&P would do in this situation... of course P5 buying a license would
> solve all those troubles.

One reason I can think of is for H&P to sell more copies of their PPC
AmigaOS....future developemnt obviously

No one said free...IF H&P develop it without P5 licensing then they can sell
it to Phase5s customers....hey presto another revenue stream...but one can
easily see why they'd concentrate on the paying licensees first.

Phase5 don't NEED a license they have a software solution already.....and
please no more UAE mis-information

