WarpUp (274/442)

Date:17 Dec 99 at 17:41:48
Subject:[warpup] Re: several questions about ...

Hello Rangel

On 17-Dez-99, you wrote:

>>> Information: First WarpMAME Beta will be released this week by Colin
>> Ward.
>>> It has not yet all features (including no sound yet), but it will work
>> MamePPC does not have sound, too. It is implemented but does not work.
>> Yeah,
>> I�m waiting hardly for it !
> [Danny] How come MamePPC (PowerUP) doesn't have sound?! Of course
> it has (and works), most all the roms I have play with sound...

If you can tell me any settings in Mame, certain roms, AHI ... that make
Mame capable of playing sounds - I�ll be the last man on earth to refuse
them !
But I�ve never been able to make this happen, yes, there are _some_ sounds,
but they are far away from the original, poor in quality and incomplete.

