WarpUp (273/442)

From:Steve Hodson
Date:17 Dec 99 at 17:22:32
Subject:[warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards

Hello Thomas

On 17-Dec-99, you wrote:


> To be honest, what I hate most about this whole situation is that P5
> designed some aspects of their boards to specifically target the use of
> WarpUp. For example, why put the ppc.library on the blizzards rom ? Why
> were they so hard-headed about the software at all. A good solution for
> the software would have sold them more boards. And this repeats now :)

A lack of a kernel war would've sold more boards too.....pretty ironic this
irony thing ;-)

There is still nothing stopping H&P offering their famed WarpUp+68k
emulation on the Phase5 boards assuming Phase5 come good on making it an
open system and offering the hardware specs to developers (and even if they
don't I'm sure SOMEONE will feel the urge to reverse hack it)
