WarpUp (24/442)

From:Stian Str�m
Date:04 Dec 99 at 12:35:01
Subject:Re: [warpup] Re: Test

At 19:16 03.12.99 +0200, you wrote:
>Finally there is no point in just doing the exactly same thing as H&P did,
>which is BTW the only reasonable approach to solve the PPC-only hardware
>problem (asides of running AOS in an emulator application under a foreign

My greatest concern about Phase5's PPC only G4 cards, is that the 68k
emulator doesn't work good enough to run Dopus5.5...
I concider Dopus as the most usable program ever...
That's the main reason why I haven't ordered a G4 card yet...

Will H&P make any new kernals for this, and will we see your 68k
emulator work on these boards then?

>- Escena, nobody knows if and when something will happen. But these people
>at least are the only ones, which are sane enough not to mess-up the whole
>software stuff, by simply concentrating on hardware development. That's
>what hardware developers should do.

hehe... sounds like a mess...

Stian Str�m...