WarpUp (221/442)

From:Domagoj Ozanic
Date:16 Dec 99 at 11:01:32
Subject:[warpup] Re: several questions about ...

On 13-Dec-99, Steffen Haeuser Steffen (magicsn@birdland.es.bawue.de) wrote:

> owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :
> Hi!
>> As mentioned above I have a few questions :-) ow> First: A new
> ppclibemu is out, but did anybody make it to run anything on it ow> ? No
> matter if it was M.a.m.e, ShowPPC, Frogger, FastQuake5 (Yes, I own the
> Why don't you use AMP instead of Frogger, PPCJPeg+WarpView instead of
> ShowPPC ?

ShowPPC works perfectly under ppclib emulation. I use it a lot. I have
BPPCFix under blizkick and I would recommend doing this for anyone even
with a small compromises instead doing terminating ppc.library.

Domagoj Ozanic (domagoj.ozanic@zg.tel.hr)
WARP - AMIGA Magazine http://islands.zesoi.fer.hr/~dpuljiz/warp/
AMIGA 1200T | BPPC 603e/200 MHz | 82 MB RAM
68LC040/25 MHz | BVisionPPC/Permedia2 | Quantum Fireball 4.3 GB
AmigaOS | LinuxPPC | MacOS