WarpUp (220/442)

From:Domagoj Ozanic
Date:16 Dec 99 at 10:58:58
Subject:[warpup] Re: several questions about ...

On 13-Dec-99, Steffen Haeuser Steffen (magicsn@birdland.es.bawue.de) wrote:

> But they have still to prove if they CAN deliver a product... i highly
> doubt this. In the latest mags i read again "P5 will deliver product
> before January", but on the other side QNX (whose software P5 wants to
> use) say they did not even START porting their OS to PPC... when do they
> want to do the software ? Or do they want to deliver the hardware without
> software ? Does not sound very professional to me, this all...

Well this is a big question. Before QNX announced their update about
alliance with
phase5 I sent a mail to the president of QNX and his answer was to me
privately was that they didn't even received any cards from phase5 and that
they will help them to port QNX to their arhitecture. This "will" means
that they didn't even started !?

They promised QNX for existing PowerUP cards also, but QNX didn't received
any either....

Hardware without software? :-)

I don't believe i second that they will ever deliver those G4 cards. I am
simply not interested, I am only interested in AmigaOS running under PPC,
even in completely 68k emulation.. at least will use WarpOS & Warp3D
accelerated applications and would be faster and faster with any new PPC

Domagoj Ozanic (domagoj.ozanic@zg.tel.hr)
WARP - AMIGA Magazine http://islands.zesoi.fer.hr/~dpuljiz/warp/
AMIGA 1200T | BPPC 603e/200 MHz | 82 MB RAM
68LC040/25 MHz | BVisionPPC/Permedia2 | Quantum Fireball 4.3 GB
AmigaOS | LinuxPPC | MacOS