WarpUp (199/442)

Date:15 Dec 99 at 16:54:44
Subject:[warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards


On 14-Dec-99, you wrote:

> Then there is also the thing, that it does not really make sense to try ONCE
> MORE extending the overall OUTDATED architecture, when a usable COMPLETE
> SYSTEM with the needed hardware and all is available. And you also can be
> sure, a LOT of firms will manufacture POP Hardware... all these would
> automatically support AmigaOS, *if* AmigaOS gets ported to POP. As i
> understand it, we don't can count this as a 100% chance yet... but we all
> certainly hope :)

Amiga hardware outdated, AmigaOS outdated, (Judas)
-> Go for Amirage QNX!


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__ __ / / / / I will never surrender
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\ \ \/ / / / 730 kkeys (210MHz)
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\__/\__/ Amiga 1200T PPC AA AmigaOS 3.1 Powerup