WarpUp (198/442)

From:Frank Bu�mann
Date:15 Dec 99 at 16:16:45
Subject:[warpup] Re: Something about G3/G4 cards

> On 14 Dec 1999, Steffen Haeuser wrote:
>> And why should a future AmigaOS be "P5-Board-only" if P5 is doing
>> everything they can do to oppose H&P, even now (the whole sad
>> QNX-story...).
> I dont find the QNX story sad, more like interesting. I have no problem
> with Phase5 trying to pull something off with QNX/neutrino, Phase5 needs
> to get something going for themselves, wether they will succeed is yet to
> see. But, this has very little to do with Amiga, this is something
> different, allthough they are trying to target this on current amiga
> users/developers, just like Be did a few years ago.
> Anyone know if there exists POP-laptops? :)
> Kolbj�rn Barmen | a3k/o6o/6o4e/AmigaOS/MacOS/LinuxPPC | // T e a m
> <kolla@nvg.org> | a12ooCT/o3o/Linux-m68k a6oo/o3o/AmigaOS | \XX/ A M I G
> A
> Nettverksgruppa | "I met the Amiga and fell in love..." | <amiga.nvg.org>
> �� Norwegian University of Technology and Science ��

I have requested a G4-Card. So the discussion about the point "AmigaOS won`t
run" should have an end now (so I hope).

In the CyberstormG4 specs stands "OS3.x support". That means OS3.5 will run
on it, I hope. If it works on QNX or Linux... - the point is that it WORKS.
When the hardware is available H&P should start porting OS3.5 to the board
and then we have a "real" AMIGA again.

I`m not very happy to buy (if it sometimes comes) a hardware for an AMIGA
which makes the AMIGA become no AMIGA. So I hope the OS3.5 will be ported to
the G4.

Perhaps we should ask H&P and P5 for it. There MUST be a solution!


Frank Bu�mann
E-Mail: Frank.Bussmann@ping-net.de