WarpUp (109/442)

From:Steffen Haeuser
Date:10 Dec 99 at 07:46:48
Subject:Re: [warpup] Help - can no longer use A-Web

owner-warpup-list@haage-partner.com wrote :


ow> If you are running ppc datatype without knowing it, you're probably running
ow> some pirate version, I assume anyone actually runnin the ak#?.datyatypes
ow> would know, since they have bought it.

Could be right...

ow> The program warpstat has been mentioned, here this program opens it window
ow> and freezes.(18 apr. 1998) Oh and the new mpega.library works, finnaly.

mpega: Good.
warpstat: Maybe old MUI version ? Or rexxsys.library missing ? (I just checked
with Snoopdoes what libraries this program needs... asides from those, nothing

ow> Any tools like PPCTool around, or am I supposed to use the regular amiga
ow> dos commands to set priorities, break, suspend, kill ppc task?

There are programs for this coming with WarpUP, like for example killppc
