WarpUp (108/442)

From:Micha� Bartczak
Date:10 Dec 99 at 07:37:56
Subject:[warpup] Re: Warp3D Demos

> AdescentWOSW3D doesn't run at all on my A1200.
> When launching it by its icons it cause my AMiga to reboot and then my
> BlizzardPPC is disconnected (as if you press "2" at reboot).
> When launching it from cli the game start to run but W-OS fail with a PPC
> "Store exception" when i click on "ENTER A DESCENT" after the Briefings.
> But the W3D and mesa-Gl demos works fine (3D acceleration very impressive)
> and so do the "DSOAB" demo from CDBS software (PPC + W3D demo)
> Anyone know what is happening?

> Config:
> BPPC 603e+@175Mhz/040-25 and BVision, Rom and OS: 3.1 and 3.5

Not at all! On my a1200 (060-50 + 603e 240) it works fine. Try to set
'memory protection' flag to 1 instead of 0. or 0 instead of 1. I'm using 1.
Also, check if 'force' is 1, check stack, and if it is not working - try to
add more power to a1200 by placing power supply INTO floppy connector.

