C (202/207)

From:Yves Grabowsky
Date:30 Dec 99 at 19:41:31
Subject:Re: Version String again...

From: YvesGrabowsky@t-online.de (Yves Grabowsky)

Hello amiga-c@onelist.com,

On 27-Dez-99 you wrote the following about [amiga-c] Version String again...:
> From: amiga-c@onelist.com
> Hi Guys,
>> Yes, there is a Y2K problem with the "Version" command. As I wrote, it
>> adds 1900+<year number> to calculate the actual year number. Thus, "00" would
>> be just as wrong as "2000", see?
> So version prints a garbage date if <year> is set to either 00 or 2000.
> Someone has already pointed out that setting the year to 100 works as a
> temporary fix. (Version seems to parse the date correctly, and at least the
> day and month values match what they are in the version string!)
> Would someone like to comment the likelihood of this method working with
> future versions of version?

I just tried OS3.5 version with "00" and "2000" and it works perfectly. Maybe a
bug in OS3.1 and down?

> All the best,


Yves Grabowsky
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