C (177/207)

From:Jeff Pierce
Date:27 Dec 99 at 08:59:58
Subject:RE: Re: ixemul.library problems

From: Jeff Pierce <jeffanim5@loop.com>

Hi David,
Thank you for the reply. I went ahead and tried the first option you suggested
and got the following:

/ade/lib/libnix/libstubs.a(__initlibraries.o)(.text+0x36): undefined reference to
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status

The second option yielded the same results. I'm wondering if perhaps not updating
the ixemul includes and ixemul environment variables may have something to do with
the results. I only updated the ixemul libraries (ixemul.library, ixemul.trace,
ixnet.library) from the ninemoons ftp site:


What should I try to do next?


On Mon, Dec 27, 1999, at 05:14 AM, David Arbuthnot wrote:

> From: David Arbuthnot <Trebor@Digital.Prestel.co.uk>
> Hello Jeff
> On 26-Dec-99, you wrote:
> � From: Jeff Pierce <jeffanim5@loop.com>
> �
> � I also tried compiling with:
> �
> �> gcc -noixemul libnix -o mousey mousetest.c
> �
> � and got,
> �
> � "gcc: libnix: no such file or directory"
> �
> � with no outfile generated.
> �
> � Thanks,
> � Jeff
> My guess is that you don't have libnix installed (although last time I used
> GCC it did come with libnix). Oh as an after thought try this
> gcc -noixemul -o mousey mousetest.c -lamiga
> The above should work (Last time I used GCC when specifying -noixemul it
> used
> libnix instead) but the following should work too
> gcc -noixemul -o mousey mousetest.c -lnix -lamiga
> Also it seems you are not linking with libamiga.a which is almost always
> needed
> (I think these options are right, but it depends on what version
> of GCC you are using)
> Kind Regards
> Dave `Trebor' Arbuthnot
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