C (176/207)

From:David Arbuthnot
Date:27 Dec 99 at 06:14:28
Subject:Re: ixemul.library problems

From: David Arbuthnot <Trebor@Digital.Prestel.co.uk>

Hello Jeff

On 26-Dec-99, you wrote:

My guess is that you don't have libnix installed (although last time I used
GCC it did come with libnix). Oh as an after thought try this

gcc -noixemul -o mousey mousetest.c -lamiga

The above should work (Last time I used GCC when specifying -noixemul it
libnix instead) but the following should work too

gcc -noixemul -o mousey mousetest.c -lnix -lamiga

Also it seems you are not linking with libamiga.a which is almost always

(I think these options are right, but it depends on what version
of GCC you are using)

Kind Regards

Dave `Trebor' Arbuthnot