Blitz (303/459)

From:David McMinn
Date:20 Jan 2000 at 09:41:50
Subject:Re: UDP Chat V2.7

Hi Anton

> Oh, sorry I was talking about writing the libs in C :)

Yes, and thats what the bit of C code at the bottom of that mail was
trying to show you. Gues I didn't explain it too well (read: at all).

If the program calls your alloc routine, you allocate some memory
which the program uses in all references to your UDP functions. This
would be the separate memory area for each program. Because as a
library, I don't think you could keep track of what programs are
using what memory, you'd need to rely on them telling you which area
of memory you previously gave them (using the alloc routine). See.
Clear as mud :)

|) /\ \/ ][ |) |\/| � |\/| ][ |\| |\| | | ICQ=16827694
Dr. Evil: You know, I have one simple request, and that is to have
sharks with frickin' laser beams attached to their heads!

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