Blitz (287/459)

From:David McMinn
Date:19 Jan 2000 at 09:27:56
Subject:Re: UDP Chat V2.7

Hi Anton

> Yes please that would be interesting- I'll be having separate memory
> areas for the variables for each program that accesses it- aka
> Mildred- so you'll have to give the address of that memory area as a
> parameter for the Functions- would that still be possible in C (well
> assuming it wouldn't be a pain of course).

Yes, thats how the OS libs work. e.g. ASL lib:

if *asl
if AslRequest_(*asl_fr,...)
; do whatever
End If
FreeAslRequest_ *asl_fr
end if

And at the risk of starting a riot:

struct UDPvars {
int dunno;
int address;
int etc;

struct UDPvars *allocudp(void) /* maybe have some tags? */
return((struct UDPvars *)AllocMem(sizeof(struct UDPvars),

void freeudp(struct UDPvars *udp)
if(udp) FreeMem(udp, sizeof(struct UDPvars));

int connectudp(struct UDPvars *udp, int address)
udp->address = address;
/* do whatever else here, will affect only the copy
that the program has passed to your shared lib */

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