BVPPC (14/41)

From:Michael O'Hara
Date:10 Jan 2000 at 16:13:17
Subject:Re: [bvppc] PPC Daemon

From: "Michael O'Hara" <>

Hi Robbin Van Ooy, on 09-Jan-00 22:42:47 you wrote:

>This is where PPC Daemon comes in.

>What if someone wrote some sort of daemon, that's installed in WBstartup.
>The daemon continually checks which kernel is active. Now, when the user
>starts a PPC program that has been adapted for PPC Daemon, the program asks
>(I believe this is some soft of Call() thingie ;D) PPC daemon which version
>is running, then decided which version of the program it should run.

I think the way around this is to just get programmer's to use WarpOS, and if
they really really really want to use powerup (why?) make sure it runs under
ppc.library emulation.

Ona related note: does anyone have Zip and Unzip compiled for WarpOS? I'm sure
they'd run much faster native on WarpOS than using emulation...

>--> The BVPPC Mailinglist: <--
>--> The AmiG4 Mailinglist: <--

Hmmm, you could've just renamed this to the ppc list :-)

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