AmigaOS3.5 (851/968)

From:Leon Davidoff
Date:29 Jan 2000 at 05:12:02
Subject:Re: Memory usage

From: Leon Davidoff <>

Hi Alex,

On 28-Jan-00, Alex wrote:
A> From: Alex <>

A> Hello Leon,

A> you wrote on 27-Jan-00 about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Memory usage":

A>> The other night I did a size check of my ENV: directory in RAM:. Wow! I
A>> was surprised to see it was over 1 MB. I just checked my 3.1 Env-Archive
A>> and it's was a still surprizingly large 680 kB. I assume the difference
A>> can be mostly accounted for by the use of GlowIcons.

A> From the forthcoming FAQ:


A> A1: Remove default icons you really don't need (.tar etc. might be a good
A> candidate)


A> A2: Optimize the icons using Stefan Rupprechts "CondenseIcons" (Aminet), it
A> can remove the old planar image from the icon, convert any NewIcons
A> tooltypes into an OS 3.5 image, and save an optimized result. That can
A> reduce the size of a lot of icons by 50%. Once run CondenseIcons can
A> recurse into directories so you can convert A LOT of icons at once.

I'll have to try it. Is that on the OS3.5 CD?

A> A3: Install HappyENV (Aminet), it copies files from ENVARC: to ENV: only
A> when they are actually requested by an application, speeding up booting
A> and saving some RAM as well.

I've got that but haven't tried it, yet.

A> A4: Occasionally browse thru ENVARC: - often there's a lot of old config
A> files and crap still rotting there, from programs you've deleted almost
A> ages ago. :)

I've cleaned a few things out. There's more I need to do. There's some stuff I'm not sure if I need... ...I guess I can restore from back-up if it turns out I need it.


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