AmigaOS3.5 (788/968)

Date:28 Jan 2000 at 11:23:10
Subject:Re: Memory usage

From: Alex <>

Hello Leon,

you wrote on 27-Jan-00 about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Memory usage":

> The other night I did a size check of my ENV: directory in RAM:. Wow! I
> was surprised to see it was over 1 MB. I just checked my 3.1 Env-Archive
> and it's was a still surprizingly large 680 kB. I assume the difference
> can be mostly accounted for by the use of GlowIcons.

>From the forthcoming FAQ:

A1: Remove default icons you really don't need (.tar etc. might be a good

A2: Optimize the icons using Stefan Rupprechts "CondenseIcons" (Aminet), it
can remove the old planar image from the icon, convert any NewIcons
tooltypes into an OS 3.5 image, and save an optimized result. That can
reduce the size of a lot of icons by 50%. Once run CondenseIcons can
recurse into directories so you can convert A LOT of icons at once.

A3: Install HappyENV (Aminet), it copies files from ENVARC: to ENV: only
when they are actually requested by an application, speeding up booting
and saving some RAM as well.

A4: Occasionally browse thru ENVARC: - often there's a lot of old config
files and crap still rotting there, from programs you've deleted almost
ages ago. :)

Greets, Alex.

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-- Ambrose Bierce

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