AmigaOS3.5 (702/968)

From:John S. Burger
Date:25 Jan 2000 at 01:11:42
Subject:Re: Re: Memory usage

From: "John S. Burger" <>

On or about 24-Jan-00 17:42:57 Gary Beeton typed the following words
about "Re: [amigaOS3_5] Re: Memory usage". My reply is thus...

Hi Gary,

GB> WBCtrl does not stop ChipRAM useage for everyone!

GB> I have seen people advize the use of WB2Fast. It does indeed seem to
GB> work. However I am reluctant to use it since I have seen reports from
GB> some very knowledgeable people who clain that WB2Fast does some nasty
GB> hacking.

I remember reading that people said the world is flat. :<).

As I stated in another post. I have a full back up of my system, not that I
ever really need it.

Try them all. Use the one that works. If none of them work than dump them


*Thor - US Registration Site - WebVision*

This message was composed on *24-Jan-0 18:03:40 MST*
Via Thor V2.6a

A thick head can do as much damage as a hard heart.

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