AmigaOS3.5 (695/968)

From:Xavier Messersmith
Date:25 Jan 2000 at 03:04:08
Subject:Re: gfx cards; Problems? (a new manifestation?)

From: Xavier Messersmith <>

On 23-Jan-00, Leon Davidoff wrote:
> On 21-Jan-00, Xavier Messersmith wrote:
>>>> Whenever those appicons update, and you're doing something like a
>>>> menu function, or dragging around a window, IT ALL FREEZES!!!
> This may be the problem I'm seeing since installing OS 3.5

Possibly. :-)

> I am setting up the icons to match my likes. For instance I'm positioning my
> hard drive Real Icons on my WorkBench screen. I pick up one of the icons I
> moved earlier and move it over tow pixels. When I drop it the icon
> disappears. The mouse pointer can still be moved.

Curious, I can't test this since I converted all my icons over to the 3.5 icon

> As soon as I click the
> mouse on the WorkBench screen it freezes at that position nad the whole
> system stays frozen. I have to reboot (CNTRL-A-A).

Does the system seem to continue everything else though? Disk/network
activity, music?

> It may be tied to the fact that I didn't do a virgin install. I backed up my
> boot partition then installed over top that AmigaDOS 3.1 system. I am still
> using the same Startup-sequence I used to.

I'd do some cleanup with your startups, alot of stuff has changed.

It disappoints me that the OS didn't oughtright tell me about CAPrefs and
Classact being obsolete instead of silently replacing them as I hear they did.
I spent alot of time guessing about that subject.

> Are there any specific 3.1 commands I should watch out for? Is this
> disappearing icons/freezing system a known thing?

I know that theres a bug in the icon.library that freezes the display whenever
certain conditions are met. Why this outright destructiove bug hasn't been
fixed by now is a mystery to me, it hits me on a daily basis (not quite
clockwork though).

> I typed up an on-line report to Amiga Tech Support over a weel ago, on their
> webpage when I registered but I've yet to get a reply.

Same here, I don't think they put to much importance on that form, thinking
they caught everything in betatesting (foolish, I'd like to know how many of
them really gave the OS a work-out...).

__ /\ /\__ /\ :
__ //// /\ /\/\ / / _\ / /\ |
\\\/// __ \/ \/ / \/ __ \ | A-2000 39M 030/882/50
\\/ \/ \/\/\/\/\/ \__/\/ \/ : IT ALL FREEZES!!!

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