AmigaOS3.5 (606/968)

Date:23 Jan 2000 at 08:50:26
Subject:Re: Digest Number 135

From: Alex <>

Hello Alexander,

you wrote on 22-Jan-00 about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: Digest Number 135":

> Maybe someone should sell an adapter that fits over the Amiga parallel
> port which would not pass these Amiga signals. Seems to bee to schools of

Say, what am I missing here? Besides that the printercable stuff is OT for
this list, I have a Deskjet 610C, went to the local computer store, bought
a plain standard cable for ~8 dollars, ZERO problems, and really none,
NONE of the Amiga users here ever had to fiddle around with the cable so
it'd work...

Greets, Alex.

"How easily people believe what they long to believe in the
seedier byways of `paranormal' phenomena. This dim half-world,
how compelling is the force of paradox, how conveniently elastic
the laws of evidence, how strong the temptations to trickery."
-- Trevor H. Hall

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