AmigaOS3.5 (328/968)

From:John S. Burger
Date:13 Jan 2000 at 02:25:59
Subject:Re: Re: 3.5 IPrefs and AFR

From: "John S. Burger" <>

On or about 12-Jan-00 06:37:49 Don Cox typed the following words
about "[amigaOS3_5] Re: 3.5 IPrefs and AFR". My reply is thus...

Hi Don,

DC> From: Don Cox <>

DC> On 12-Jan-00, Alex wrote:

>>> I have a few tests when it comes to installing new software like
>>> this. Does it do a clean install, can I install it without reading
>>> the docs and can I use it without reading the docs and does it
>>> function without enforcer hits or of course crashing.

>> Sorry, it doesn't concern you John (or it *may* not, hehe) - I just
>> find it amazing (every time again) that people don't read docs but try
>> to use something they don't understand, then possibly fnck everything up
>> really bad, and then go complaining publically, eg. on lists like these.
>> No names tho. :)

DC> A better method is:
DC> 1. Read the readme file to see if the software does roughly what you
DC> want. If so,

Yes, always.

DC> 2. Print out the docs.

I keep my docs online.

DC> 3. Read them carefully to see if the program does exactly what you
DC> want.

I do after I give it a trial run to see if it works at all.

DC> 4. Install carefully. It's probably best to do a Pretend first to
DC> allow for idiot programmers who overwrite your latest-version
DC> libraries with older ones

Yes. I usually look at all the directories in the archive to see if they
contain any libs etc. that I already have. If so, then I either do a
pretend install or install by hand if the program is simple and it is
obvious where everything goes.

DC> 5. Close down all other programs, ready for crashes

Yes, for the most part. I wouldn't start a new program for the first time
if I was online downloading mail for instance.

DC> 6. Try the thing out.
DC> 7. If it's good, write to the author to thank him, or register it.
DC> This is when you can suggest improvements.

This is the most important thing.

DC> Installing a program without reading the docs is as pointless as
DC> reading the docs without installing the program.



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