AmigaOS3.5 (254/968)

From:Kolbj�rn Barmen
Date:10 Jan 2000 at 13:02:32
Subject:Re: MUI dead?

From: =?ISO-8859-1?Q?Kolbj=F8rn_Barmen?= <>

On Mon, 10 Jan 2000, Alex wrote:

> Except ReAction, they have one thing in common: they have *nothing*, repeat
> *nothing* to do with OS 3.5 so please remove this darn MUI discussion from
> the list, thanks.

OK, let's stay on topic; reaction stinks!


Alternativly, what can be done to convert those mui programmers to use
ReAction? Personally I have a list of thing I want to see in ReAction ASAP:

* The test button in the prefs must come back
* Distinguish between window and groups, also for background bitmaps.
* More control over fonts, I want to be able to use smaller fonts on
buttons and listers, if I like to, please put this in prefs/fonts if possible.
* More and better classes, I want to sort datalists, I want to drag and drop
alot more.
* More "styles" or "themes" or whatever, I do not like the XEN look, but what
alternatives to I have with ReAction? None, apart from old boring all grey.
* A sentraliced pubscreen manager, like PSI, which _all programs follow_, no
more mocking about in various menues and tooltypes to see where heck you set
what screen to open on.
* All programs store their positions in tooltypes, same tooltypes for all apps.
* All programs have iconify gadget
* When programs are iconified, they do not hinder the screen to close, as
is the case with most CA apps today. (not all for some reason)
* When a screen tries to close (f.ex to be changed res/depth), make use
of some notify library and iconify all apps on that screen.
* An iconified program that is told to open, will open the screen it set to
run on, if it is closed. The above mentioned pub screen manager could
also be used to quickly have programs jump from pub screen to pub screen.

More Intuition related, but what the heck...
* Currently only WB supports mulicolor palette ("multi" means I have control
over whopping _8_ palette pens) that I can use to set the looks of the
intuition with. On all other screen the number of pens are still 4. The only
way to tweak this, that I know of, is to use VisualPrefs. Well, I'd rather see
this on the to-do list of whoever is planning to upgrade the intuition
for later kickstart upgrades (as if)

I'm sure there are people who by now are jumping up and down on their soap
boxes screaming that most of the above break old styleguides. No shit, perhaps
time to redefine the AmigaOS styleguide to suit slightly more updated
machines. One app on each screen is nice when all you have are small PAL/NTSC
screens. Today I am not using screen like this anymore, all my pubscreens
serve the same functionality as workspaces under <insert windowmanager here>
on X, only a handfull apps are left for themselves, most of them are old
hayday apps that has to be promoted to PAL/NTSC-alike screens anyways.

Kolbj�rn Barmen | a3k/o6o/6o4e/AmigaOS/MacOS/LinuxPPC | // T e a m
<> | a12ooCT/o3o/Linux-m68k a6oo/o3o/AmigaOS | \XX/ A M I G A
Nettverksgruppa | "I met the Amiga and fell in love..." | <>

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