AmigaOS3.5 (159/968)

Date:6 Jan 2000 at 14:35:35
Subject:Re: screen locking when pressing mousebuttons while yam changes status icon

Hello Erik,

you wrote on 06-Jan-00 about "[amigaOS3_5] screen locking when pressing
mousebuttons while yam changes status icon":

> Anyone else had this? Is there a cure? Any tips?

The problem is already known. It doesn't happen only with YAM. I had it
when I move windows or whatever else when at the same time the Miami icon
WB changes its state. There is no known cure for it :( have to
limit GUI events when you know an appicon will change (ain't that
wonderful, sigh). I can avoid the problem here, it only strikes once in a
week or so.

Nevertheless, this is one of the most fncking bug in OS 3.5, and it needs
to be fixed ASAP! (just ask Xavier :-)

Greets, Alex.

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