A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the
characters in a UnicodeString
Public Methods
- StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text)
Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text"
- StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text, UTextOffset pos)
Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text"
- StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text, UTextOffset begin, UTextOffset end, UTextOffset pos)
Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text"
- StringCharacterIterator(const StringCharacterIterator& that)
Copy constructor
- virtual ~StringCharacterIterator()
- StringCharacterIterator& operator=(const StringCharacterIterator& that)
Assignment operator
- virtual bool_t operator==(const CharacterIterator& that) const
Returns true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
same string and are pointing at the same character
- virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const
Generates a hash code for this iterator
- virtual CharacterIterator* clone(void) const
Returns a new StringCharacterIterator referring to the same
character in the same range of the same string as this one
- virtual UChar first(void)
Sets the iterator to refer to the first character in its
iteration range, and returns that character,
- virtual UChar last(void)
Sets the iterator to refer to the last character in its iteration
range, and returns that character
- virtual UChar setIndex(UTextOffset pos)
Sets the iterator to refer to the "position"-th character in the
UnicodeString the iterator refers to, and returns that character
- virtual UChar current(void) const
Returns the character the iterator currently refers to
- virtual UChar next(void)
Advances to the next character in the iteration range (toward
last()), and returns that character
- virtual UChar previous(void)
Advances to the previous character in the iteration rance (toward
first()), and returns that character
- virtual UTextOffset startIndex(void) const
Returns the numeric index of the first character in this
iterator's iteration range
- virtual UTextOffset endIndex(void) const
Returns the numeric index of the character immediately BEYOND the
last character in this iterator's iteration range
- virtual UTextOffset getIndex(void) const
Returns the numeric index in the underlying UnicodeString of the
character the iterator currently refers to (i
- virtual void getText(UnicodeString& result)
Copies the UnicodeString under iteration into the UnicodeString
referred to by "result"
- virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const
Return a class ID for this object (not really public)
- static UClassID getStaticClassID(void)
Return a class ID for this class (not really public)
Public Fields
- static const UChar DONE
Public Methods
- bool_t operator!=(const CharacterIterator& that) const
A concrete subclass of CharacterIterator that iterates over the
characters in a UnicodeString. It's possible not only to create an
iterator that iterates over an entire UnicodeString, but also to
create only that iterates over only a subrange of a UnicodeString
(iterators over different subranges of the same UnicodeString don't
compare equal).
- StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text)
Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text".
The iteration range is the whole string, and the starting position is 0.
- StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text, UTextOffset pos)
Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text".
The iteration range is the whole string, and the starting
position is specified by "pos". If "pos" is outside the valid
iteration range, the behavior of this object is undefined.
- StringCharacterIterator(const UnicodeString& text, UTextOffset begin, UTextOffset end, UTextOffset pos)
Create an iterator over the UnicodeString referred to by "text".
The iteration range begins with the character specified by
"begin" and ends with the character BEFORE the character specfied
by "end". The starting position is specified by "pos". If
"begin" and "end" don't form a valid range on "text" (i.e., begin
>= end or either is negative or greater than text.size()), or
"pos" is outside the range defined by "begin" and "end", the
behavior of this iterator is undefined.
- StringCharacterIterator(const StringCharacterIterator& that)
Copy constructor. The new iterator iterates over the same range
of the same string as "that", and its initial position is the
same as "that"'s current position.
- virtual ~StringCharacterIterator()
- StringCharacterIterator& operator=(const StringCharacterIterator& that)
Assignment operator. *this is altered to iterate over the sane
range of the same string as "that", and refers to the same
character within that string as "that" does.
- virtual bool_t operator==(const CharacterIterator& that) const
Returns true if the iterators iterate over the same range of the
same string and are pointing at the same character.
- virtual int32_t hashCode(void) const
Generates a hash code for this iterator.
- virtual CharacterIterator* clone(void) const
Returns a new StringCharacterIterator referring to the same
character in the same range of the same string as this one. The
caller must delete the new iterator.
- virtual UChar first(void)
Sets the iterator to refer to the first character in its
iteration range, and returns that character,
- virtual UChar last(void)
Sets the iterator to refer to the last character in its iteration
range, and returns that character.
- virtual UChar setIndex(UTextOffset pos)
Sets the iterator to refer to the "position"-th character in the
UnicodeString the iterator refers to, and returns that character.
If the index is outside the iterator's iteration range, the
behavior of the iterator is undefined.
- virtual UChar current(void) const
Returns the character the iterator currently refers to.
- virtual UChar next(void)
Advances to the next character in the iteration range (toward
last()), and returns that character. If there are no more
characters to return, returns DONE.
- virtual UChar previous(void)
Advances to the previous character in the iteration rance (toward
first()), and returns that character. If there are no more
characters to return, returns DONE.
- virtual UTextOffset startIndex(void) const
Returns the numeric index of the first character in this
iterator's iteration range.
- virtual UTextOffset endIndex(void) const
Returns the numeric index of the character immediately BEYOND the
last character in this iterator's iteration range.
- virtual UTextOffset getIndex(void) const
Returns the numeric index in the underlying UnicodeString of the
character the iterator currently refers to (i.e., the character
returned by current()).
- virtual void getText(UnicodeString& result)
Copies the UnicodeString under iteration into the UnicodeString
referred to by "result". Even if this iterator iterates across
only a part of this string, the whole string is copied. @param
result Receives a copy of the text under iteration.
- virtual UClassID getDynamicClassID(void) const
Return a class ID for this object (not really public)
- static UClassID getStaticClassID(void)
Return a class ID for this class (not really public)
- This class has no child classes.
alphabetic index hierarchy of classes
this page has been generated automatically by doc++
(c)opyright by Malte Zöckler, Roland Wunderling
contact: doc++@zib.de