Selection-based Taxonomy

The selection component is divided into two parts, one for valid-time selection and one for selection not involving valid time. See Figure [*].

Figure: Top-level Selection-based Taxonomy
\begin{displaymath}\{ <\mbox{valid-time selection}> \}^\a...
...poral selection}> \}^\ast
\end{displaymath}} \vspace*{-18pt}

Both parts are based on the same observation. In general, a selection predicate is built from atomic selection predicates using logical operators (e.g., and, or, and implies) and parenthesis. Both parts categorize queries based on the atomic predicates used in the queries. As several types of atomic predicates may be used in the same query, queries generally fall into multiple categories (as indicated in Figure [*] by the Kleene star, `` * ''). We examine each part of the selection-based taxonomy in turn.

Atomic valid-time selection predicates are assumed to be of the form

arg1 op arg2

where op is a some comparison operator (e.g., precedes, and contains). It is assumed that arg1 is the valid time of the data, and restrictions are imposed based on the type of the comparison operator, on the origin of arg2, and on the type of arg2. Figure [*] outlines the categories.

Figure: Valid-time Selection-based Taxonomy
\begin{displaymath}\left\{ \begin{ar...
...alid times}
\end{array} \right\}
\end{displaymath} \end{center}

Three types of comparison operators are identified. First, a comparison operator may be duration-based. For example the operator spanExceeds returns true if the duration of the first argument is equal to or larger than the duration of the second argument. Second, comparison operators may be based on ordering. Operators in this category include precedes and meets. The first applies to all timestamps and evaluates to true if the largest time in the first argument is smaller than the smallest times in the second argument. Operator meets appears to be useful only for events and intervals. Two timestamps meet if they are not separated by any event (i.e., may be coalesced). Operators based on containment concern overlap, or lack thereof, of the arguments and include = (identity), overlaps, and contains.

The second argument (arg2) may be an event, an interval, or an element. Also, it may come from three sources. First, it may be supplied directly in the query, as a constant. Second, it may be the value of a user-defined time attribute in an argument tuple. Note that this is only possible for events if first normal form is required. Third, like the first argument, the second argument may be computed from valid times and/or user-defined attribute values in the argument tuples.

If the three types of categories are completely orthogonal, this part of the taxonomy will contribute with a total of 27 categories. However, it may be debated whether intervals and elements may be used as values of user-defined attributes (resulting in non-1NF relations).

The final part of the selection-based taxonomy categorizes queries based solely on the part of the selection component that involves only ordinary, non-temporal selection.

Many possibilities for categorization exist. Below, in Figure [*], we distinguish between four significant types of atomic selection predicates. First, an attribute may be compared with a constant, supplied by the user. Second, attribute values, both in the same relation, may be compared. Third, a primary key value may be compared with a matching foreign key value. Fourth, arbitrary attributes of possibly distinct relations may be compared. In the figure, θ : : =   < | > |≤|≥| =  , i.e., a combination of equality and/or the one of the two inequality operators. If we distinguish between situations where only equality is involved and situations where inequality is involved, this give 8 categories.

Figure: Non-temporal Selection-based Taxonomy
\left\{ \begin{...
...lity } (<>)
\end{array} \right\}
\end{displaymath} \end{center}