MMCC, and
New England


"Mac" and "Arthur"
"Elephant Seal"

( Mirounga angustirostris )

Information Page
Data and Maps

Release Date
July 28, 1997
33 28.2N, 118 28.1W
10:25 AM PDT ( 20:25 GMT)

[Maps and Data below]

Marine Mammal Care Center
San Pedro, CA 90731
(33 42.8N, 118 17.8W)

Data and Maps

  • Data Sheet, Satellite Fixes, the Elephant Seals "Mac" and "Arthur" (Data Sets)
    How to analyze seal data transmissions.
    Summary of Data

  • Tracking Map - Elephant Seals, TBA

    Analysis Tools

    Map Generator Generate your own maps of any location.

    Distance Generator Use this to determine the distance and heading between any two fixes.

    Seal Notes & Links:

    History on "Mac" and "Arthur"

    Marine Mammal Care Center, San Pedro, CA, The program center that rehabilitated "Mac" and "Arthur". Click for a visit.

    MAR3INE - Marine Animal Rescue Rehabilitation and Release Into the Natural Environment, Inc.

    Elephant Seal Sounds and Informationfrom Aûo Nuevo State Reserve.

    Pinnipeds of Southern California

    Elephant seals

    Elephant Seals Find New Home

    Northern Elephant Seal ( Mirounga Angustirostris )

    Scientific Method Virtual Field Trip

    Northern Elephant Seal, Sea World

    Satellite Tagging Observation Program
    * * *

    WhaleNet EnviroNet
    click here click here
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