Right Whale "Metompkin" Data

DATA - Click here to download the location data sets and some suggested

activities for working with this data.

MAP - Click here to see a track of "Metompkin's" movement.

Metompkin (Is a Mother!!) Update!!

"I like to think that on 07/04(/96) Metompkin's burden fell away. Independence Day. She did make an appearance in the Bay of Fundy this past August and we were ecstatic to see that she'd lost the gear and was swimming free. Whatever the case, this young whale was pregnant during the whole ordeal because she is here with her first calf." -- Chris Slay, New England Aquarium, Right Whale Research
(More information coming next week.)

MAP - Click here to see a track of "Metompkin's" movement on a GOES satellite map.

Click here to see a "micro-movement" map of Metompkin's recent movements

Right Whale Advisory from the United States Department of Commerce - NOAA - National Marine Fisheries Service.

Click here for a detailed story of the tagging of "Metompkin".

Click here for a look at the catalog file of "Metompkin".

(*Note: This is a 116K file so please be patient with the download!)

Sites with Information on Right Whales:
The habits of whales - Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary
Protected species - National Marine Fisheries Service Cetaceans Page
National Marine Fisheries Service Recovery Plan for the Northern Right Whale
National Marine Fisheries Northeast Regional Office in Gloucester, MA
Northeast Marine Science Center in Woods Hole, MA

We would like to hear from you!!!
After working with the Lat./Long. figures for "Metompkin" and placing her track on the maps we would like you to email us with your thoughts about her journey. What are some theories that you may have about her path? Use the icon below to email your responses to us. Thanks!!!

pita@whale.wheelock.edu (or) krill@whale.simmons.edu

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