Kid's Domain Icon Mania

These icons are fan art, and should not be confused with official products from any company. Please copy these icons if you wish to use them, do NOT put links to these files! (How do I copy/use them?)


This is a selection of icons from Nick Day's Insecticon package:

Insecticons Volume I, Version 2.0
Copyright © 1996, 1997 Nick Day, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

About this package

Insecticons Volume I is a set of icons which may be installed on your own files (do 'get info' on the Insecticon, copy the image, do 'get info' on your file, and paste onto the existing icon). All the bugs in this package are intentional, which makes a change!

Registered users will receive a registered copy of Insecticons Volume II, with another sixty-three excellent insects and other icons, so please remember to include your name and address when you register. We hope you enjoy using them! Insecticons Volume II will not be released as shareware.

Shareware registration information

Insecticons Volume I is shareware, it is NOT free. All registered users of Volume I get Volume II free of charge. If you use these icons, you should pay a $5 registration fee. Please mention 'Insecticons Volume I', and include your name and address as well as an email address if possible so that we can send you your copy of Insecticons Volume II.

Send your registration to:

Industrial Textures, 10 Nourse Close, CHELTENHAM, Gloucestershire, GL53 0NQ, England.

More about the icons

These icons have been designed to complement the Industrial Textures desktop textures package (Industrial Textures Volume I is included on the disk you will receive if you register Insecticons). They are mostly images of insects, some real and some imaginary. In some cases (such as the wasps) I had to adjust the proportions of wings and antennae to fit the space, so they should not be used for reference or identification. The ladybird images are in fact the icons for the Industrial Textures suite.

The wasp and fat wasp make good wastebasket/trash icons (thanks to Tweedle for this idea) The Insecticons are dedicated to Jan who did not mind me filling the house with jars of buzzing 'stingsects' while working on the images.

Mac Owners can download insecticons-vol-i-pack.hqx (229 k)

amy bee beetleapple beetlered blueflying bumblebee camouflage cinnibar crawlingbee earwig greentigerbeetle honeypotant ladybird ladyblue ladyrainbow ladyyellow ladybirdlarve merlin metroworks moth mothblue mothbrown nicola olivedun redant redspot redwoodlouse scarlettiger shieldbug sixspotburnet smallspurwing spiderblue spidergreen wasp waspfat wasphead waspred yellowflying zigbeetle moon redstar starblue espressoblue espressogreen espressoyellow froggreen frogred


Dart Frog Icons

Dart_Frogs version 1.01 10/15/96

In case you can't tell from looking at them, these are supposed to represent the following species:

Dendrobates tinctorius (yellow morph)
D. tinctorius (yellow morph)
D. auratus
D. histrionicus
D. leucomelas
D. azureus
D. tinctorius (white morph)
D. pumilio
D. reticulatus


©1996 John Bohrman

frog3 frog4 frog5 frog6 frog7 frog8 frog9 frog10 frog11


Fishy Icons


I hope you enjoy these icons.
I really had fun making them.

If you like them please let me know.
So I want to make more.


angelfish angelfish2 stingray yellowfish clown colorfulfish crab seahorse

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Copyright © 1998 The Kid's Domain
All icon creators and companies retain their own rights
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