Kid's Domain Icon Mania

First, I would like to start out with the reminder that you should NOT copy graphics unless you have the permission of the page owner. Graphics are owned by the person who created them, this is the law. While there are a lot of public domain graphics out there, there are also graphics that are not free for use.

The graphics on my icon pages are available to copy freely. One set asks for a small shareware payment if you use the graphics. Please honor the authors who have shared their work.

To save the graphics using LYNX:

  1. move the cursor (up and down arrows) to select the picture you want
  2. hit the right arrow (go to this link)
  3. answer that you want to save the image to disk
  4. now you have the file saved to your disk. You will still need a graphics program that can view .gif images for your system. If you don't have one, try searching for 'gif' at

To copy a graphic using Netscape:

  1. move your mouse to point to the graphic you want

  2. hold down the (right) mouse button

  3. select 'Copy this image' to put the image in the clipboard or 'Save this image as..' to save it to a gif or jpg file

Mac Users:

    This seems a little complicated to describe, but it is actually very simple.

  • To use the web graphic as an icon, copy it to the clipboard, use CMD-I to 'get info' on the file you want to attach the icon to, then click on the icon in the get-info box. A black box will appear around it. CMD-V (paste) the new icon. That's it.

  • To copy the icon from one file to another, use CMD-I (get info) on the file with the icon you want to copy, click the icon, and CMD-C (copy) it. Then CMD-I (get info) the file you want to attach the icon to. Click its icon, and CMD-V (paste). This will give you the best quality icon.

  • To use the graphic as wallpaper, copy the graphic, go to 'Apple Menu-Control Panels-Desktop Patterns'. CMD-V (paste) in the new graphic. Then click the button 'Set Desktop Pattern' to use that pattern.

PC Users:

To use a web page image as an icon:

  • Click on the right mouse button, choose to save the graphic as a bitmap file with the extension ".ico".
  • Save this in your Windows files.
  • Then, when changing the properties of your shortcuts, select "change icon."
  • Then select "browse" and look for the icon in Windows and select it.

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Copyright © 1998 The Kid's Domain
All icon creators and companies retain their own rights
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