Kid's Domain Icon Mania

These icons are fan art, and should not be confused with official products from any company. Please copy these icons if you wish to use them, do NOT put links to these files! (How do I copy/use them?)

Spring Flower Icons

I'm pleased to have permission to post this wonderful set of flowers. You can visit the Flower Icons Site for more icons, pictures of flowers, and links.

Flower Icons 2E

This is the second release of Flower Icons. I've picked up some flowers from ones blooming in spring days in Japan.

License: freeware (Please send mail when without personal use.) Requires: System 7.1 or later, 256 colors or more

as MAGNOLIA in Niftyserve,
Nifty ID: QZA00614

Mac owners can download: FlowerIcons2E.sit.hqx (116k) or try here
PC owners can a partial set: ficonw1E.lzh (6 k) or try here

The flowers are: Veronica percica, Viola grypoceras, Rhododendron metternichii, Magnolia denudata, Gymnaster savatieri, Astragalus sinicus/red, Astragalus sinicus/white, Oxalis griffithii, Rosa multiflora, Circium japonicum, Camellia japonica, Aquilegia flabellata, Magnolia liliflora, Mazus miquelii, Potentilla fragarioides v.major, Chelidoniun japonicum, Dicentra spectabilis, Anemone keiskeana, Anemone flaccida, Lamium album v. barbatum, Malus halliana, Salix gracilistyla, Corydalis pallida v. tenuis, Cornus florida, Garden pansy/white, Garden pansy/red, Garden pansy/blue, Garden pansy/yellow, Garden pansy/orange

fl01 fl02 fl03 fl04 fl05 fl06 fl07 fl08 fl09 fl10 fl11 fl12 fl13 fl14 fl15 fl16 fl17 fl18 fl19 fl20 fl21 fl22 fl23 fl24 fl25 fl26 fl27 fl28


More Flowers

These flowers are courtesy of Shinobu Hashimoto ( from Japan. When I wrote him about his artwork, he needed to get someone to translate my letter to him. He gave permission for these to be posted on my web site. He asked that I add this message from him:

"I hope that you like some of them. I'm glad that you would send me a letter, but I'm afraid that I couldn't send you answer."

flower flower flower flower flower


Mary Lee's Flowers 'n Birds

I'm pleased to have permission to post this wonderful set of flowers and birds by Mary Lee (


Original icons by Mary Lee Seward
April 22, 1997

The author restricts you from using any portion of the software for profit. These icons may be licensed for a one time use commercially, from the author.

If you like them, let me know!
That's all I ask~


Mac owners can download from:

gardengate aster bleedinghear clematis daffodil1 daffodil2 daffodil3 daisy dogwood1 dogwood2 hyacinth1 hyacinth2 lilyofvalley pansy1 pansy2 pansy3 primrose tulip1 tulip2 violet1 violet2 bluebird robin cardinal

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