Kids Domain

OldMac FTP Files

Here are short descriptions (with download links) of B&W Mac software for Kids.

Please note that some of these files are old. Some were designed for HyperCard 1.n, and will show up on the menu bar with a little lock symbol, and need to be converted to HC 2.x if that is what you are running.

Others may work with System 6.x, but crash System 7.x. Some will run on powermacs, but the animations will run way too fast. I will try to mark the programs that don't run on all systems. And some work great on *all* platforms. Test all at your own risk, and save your work before you test!

Be sure and attempt to contact the authors if you enjoy these programs. Let them know that you appreciate it!

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  • MacinTalk 2.0 24k
    This system software for System 6 lets the mac 'talk' using speech synthesis. Some of the programs listed here will speak if MacinTalk is installed.
  • HyperCard Player 2.35
    This will let you run many of the HyperCard stacks listed below with the (HC) after them. Available for free from Apple.


  • A,B,C's 305k (HC)
    click on a letter - see a picture beginning with that letter, with 3 words below to choose from. Also has another area to click on a letter and hear the name.
  • Alphabet 17 k (HC)
    Press the keys for letters or shapes, and watch them drawn on the screen. Will say the names, requires macintalk.
  • Animals+Sound 422k (HC)
    For beginners - animal pictures make sounds or animations when the button is clicked. 19 screens, some with multiple animals. freeware.
  • Dinosaurs 214k (HC)
    Has information and a *lot* of artwork of dinosaurs. Preschoolers will like to look at the pics, older ones might like the info.
  • Drew's ABCs 116k (HC)
    Click on a letter to hear its name and see a picture. Macintalk required to hear name.
  • Dot 2 Dot 66k, won't run for me with System 7.5
    Solve Dot to Dot pictures, seeing the picture appear slowly as you progress. You can even add your own.
  • Dot 2 Dot Add On Pics 78k
    In a fit of inspiration one night, I went over to the Mac Plus (with System 6.08) and made 29 more pictures for the Dot2Dot program. FREE.
  • Halloween Night 265k
    Answer knocks at door, give the monsters treats or not. Written to help his preschooler with her fear of monsters. Freeware.
  • Inigo Gets Out 171k (HC)
  • Inigo Takes a Bath125k (HC)
    The adventures of Inigo the cat - cute stories. These are among the first clickable story books, simple.
  • Inkbook 195k (HC)
    Color in pictures. You can add your own if you know a little HC. freeware.
  • Jessica's Math 33k (HC)
    Set the difficulty levels, test addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Jessica jumps rope with 5 right answers.
  • Libby's Letters 93k (HC)
    Puts up a letter, and child has to press it on keyboard, plays a good sound. Also has a game to match the word on the top of the screen with 1 of 5 on the bottom.
  • Littlefingers 399k (HC)
    A real gem! Play 6 different games - 'What's Different', count objects, match upper and lowercase letters, find the missing number, do alphabetical order (with alphabet showing for beginners), and build a picture with shapes.
  • MacTuberling 119k
    Put a face, accessories, on a potato head
  • Make a Bird 115k (HC)
    Build a funny bird by selecting heads, beaks, and legs.
  • More Shapes 97k (HC)
    Simple program. Find all the matching shapes, and make them smile.
  • My Little Kitchen 566k (HC)
    Another gem. Arrange the kitchen, make the frosting, decorate a cake, make gingerbread men, find and decorate Easter eggs, see fireworks.
  • Planet Minus 394k (HC)
    Subtraction problems with numbers 1-5. See the problems graphically as the explorers get into their spaceship. Find strange animals.
  • PippinPuss 23k (HC)
    Put a face, body, etc, on an apple head.

Early Grade School

  • Animals & Sounds#1 358k (HC)
    See a picture of an animal, and pick it's name out of a list of 3. Hear a sound. 11 animals.
  • Carrie's Coins 147k (HC)
    Quizzes coins. Macintalk required. (Find the nickle, head, etc...)
  • Express Lane 59k
    Scan items, get total, bag it, then give change with coins. Interface is a little awkward, but learnable. Different levels of play.
  • Heather's Multiplication 161k (HC)
    Test multiplication facts - timed or not, or reveal a picture by answers questions. Levels can be set.
  • Jessica's Math 33k (HC)
    Set the difficulty levels, test addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Jessica jumps rope with 5 right answers.
  • Littlefingers 399k (HC)
    A real gem! Play 6 different games - 'What's Different', count objects, match upper and lowercase letters, find the missing number, do alphabetical order (with alphabet showing for beginners), and build a picture with shapes.
  • Make a Bird 115k (HC)
    Build a funny bird by selecting heads, beaks, and legs. Has suggestions for discussion of different parts and their functions.
  • My Little Kitchen 566k (HC)
    Another gem. Arrange the kitchen, make the frosting, decorate a cake, make gingerbread men, find and decorate Easter eggs, see fireworks.
  • Planet Minus 394k (HC)
    Subtraction problems with numbers 1-5. See the problems graphically as the explorers get into their spaceship. Find strange animals.
  • Tic Tac Total 371 k
    Practice addition and strategy in the varient of tic-tac-toe on a 5x5 grid.

Older Kids

  • Asia Map Game 71k (HC)
    Quizzes on countries and capitals (old). Has easy and hard mode. Shows answer after 2 wrong answers.
  • Canada Map Game 50k (HC)
    Quizzes on the provinces and capitals of Canada. Shows answer after 2 wrong answers.
  • Dinosaurs 214k (HC)
    Has information and a *lot* of artwork of dinosaurs. Preschoolers will like to look at the pics, older ones might like the info.
  • Geography 16 k (HC)
    Name the states by typing in their two letter abbreviations.
  • Louie Toons 33k (HC)
    Build on screen animations (flip books)
  • State Smart 728k (HC)
    State Smart is a USA facts database and atlas for grades 4-9. It features animated buttons, sound effects, an interactive quiz, and numerous touches Platypus is famous for. A commerical US software package now released as $15 shareware. The full State-Smart package features contour, city, and topographical maps, with insets of heavily populated area. When you send in your shareware fee you get everything.
  • Storybook 49k (HC) Build a story with click points, simple animations.
  • USA Map Game 154k (HC)
    Asks for states or capitals. Quizzes 8 states at a time. Shows answer after 2 wrong answers.

Misc, Games

  • Beyond HyperCard 151k (HC)
    Programming tips and demonstrations for doing neat animations and such in HyperCard 2.x.
  • American Sign Language Finger Spelling 101k (HC)
    This little program lets you type in a letter and will display it with the ASL sign. It also has a multiple choice quiz where it shows a sign, and you pick which letter it is.
  • FingerSpell 187k (HC)
    See words spelled with sign language letters. Will also speak the letters if desired.
  • HeartQuest 92k (all systems b&w or color)
    Catch the hearts with a butterfly - totally non-violent game for all ages.
  • Hot Air Balloon 20k
    manouver your balloon past obstacles, all ages
  • Wheel of Fortune 15k, Warning, this crashes on some systems
    A blast from the past. Spin the wheel, guess the letters, and play Wheel of Fortune!
  • Zork 245k
    A true treasure! This used to be a commercial product, released for free. A text based adventure with great puzzles, originally written at MIT. I spent many nights playing Zork in the early '80s.

    Christmas Programs

  • Christmas Stack 78k
    View an animated Livingroom Scene, click on different spots for Christmas music.
  • Xmas Lemmings 846k
    Save those lemmings again - requires System 6.05 or better. I tried it on the Plus, and even with the music turned off, it was a bit sluggish. Should be fine on an SE or better. Lots of snow, holiday decorations, and holiday music.

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