Export Result

Exporting the result of a Photo4D project to a file involves the following steps:

  1. Invoke [Export|Validate...] in the Export Menu in the Main Window. It is always recommended to Validate all the objects before exporting to files. No warning will be given even if the coordinates of some points are not computed. For these points, Photo4D simply chooses (0,0,0) as their coordinates.
  2. Invoke one of the following menu commands [Export|Export to .xxx] to open the Export dialog, where .xxx is one '.pef', '.dxf', 'wrl', or '.raw'.
  3. Enter a file name, ending with '.pef', '.dxf', '.wrl', or '.raw' according to the file format. As an alternative, a file name can also be selected by clicking the 'Browse...' button which will display a File Selection Dialog.
  4. Press the 'Export' button to export the result.