3D Computation for Dynamic Cameras

When all the videos are taken by dynamic cameras, the following steps may be used to compute the camera parameters and x, y, z coordinates at the same time:

  1. Invoke the 3D Computation dialog box;
  2. Select proper computation parameters in the dialog;
  3. Select the check button "From" in the "Frame range" field, and enter the start and end frame numbers;
  4. Make sure that the camera parameters are set properly in the starting frame;
  5. Press "Compute" button to start computing.
Photo4D starts computing from the starting frame. Therefore, the camera parameters must be initialized properly in this frame. In addition, the setup for 3D computing must be complete. After finish computation for the first frame, Photo4D proceeds to the next frame. If the camera parameters for this second frame are not initialized, it will automatically copy the parameters from the previous frame and use them as the initial parameters. Again, all the setup pre-conditions such as reference points are checked before computing. Photo4D stops at the frame where the pre-conditions are not met.