Installation and Setup Guide

Using Account Setup

This chapter explains how to use Account Setup, the software component of Communicator that helps you set up Internet access. Account Setup uses the information you provide to create a new Internet account or to set up your existing account to use with Communicator. Communicator saves this information so that, after you've completed Account Setup, you can immediately connect to the Internet. As you're going through Account Setup, you can get detailed instructions by clicking the Help button in any Account Setup screen.

If you're upgrading from a previous version of Netscape Navigator or Communicator, your account and ISP information is automatically transferred to Communicator. You do not need to go through Account Setup. The only time you would need to use Account Setup is if you want to switch to a different ISP or create an additional Internet account. See "Choosing a New ISP or Creating an Additional Account" on page 29. §

Before using Account Setup you need to know two things:

Checking Out Your Modem

Your modem is a vital part of your dial-up connection. Your modem must be connected to your computer and your modem software must be installed before you use Account Setup. Be sure your modem is up and running and is not being used by any other communication software. For more information, see the documentation that comes with your modem.

If you're having trouble with your modem, or if you're not sure you've properly installed your modem, go to the modem troubleshooting topics in Windows online help. From the Start menu, choose Help and then type the word "modem" to see a list of troubleshooting topics. §

Write down the following information before you begin Account Setup in case you need to enter it during the Account Setup process:

Determining If You Need a New Internet Account

If you can currently access the World Wide Web, email, newsgroups, or other Internet services using your computer and modem, then you've got an Internet account. Go to the next section, "If You Currently Have an Internet Account," for instructions on using Communicator with your existing ISP.

If you don't have an Internet account, skip to "Before Creating a New Account" on page 22 to learn more about choosing a provider and setting up an Internet account.

If you currently have an Internet account with an ISP, but you want to switch to a different ISP or create an additional account, skip to "Choosing a New ISP or Creating an Additional Account" on page 29.

If You Currently Have An Internet Account

If you have an Internet account but have not previously used Netscape Navigator or Communicator, Account Setup lets you set up Communicator to access the Internet using your existing account. The first time you use Communicator, Account Setup will ask you for your account and ISP information. It's best to gather this information now, so that you'll have it ready when Account Setup asks you for it.

Use this worksheet to copy down your Internet account information. To make your dial-up connection work (including your email), you must enter the exact same information in Account Setup. Make sure you note capitalization when writing down your user name and password.

What you need to know What it is Write it down here

User name (also called a login name or user ID)

The name you use to log in to your service provider (for example, jdoe).


The password you enter after entering your user name.

Whether or not you need a login window

This is required by some service providers. If you must type a login name and password each time you connect to your service provider, you might need a login window. To be sure, check with your service provider.

Email login and password

In most cases you'll use the same user name and password for email that you use to log in to your service provider. However, some service providers give you a different login name and password for email access.

Account access phone number

The phone number that your modem dials to connect to your Internet account.

Domain name and server address

The IP address for your service provider's Domain Name Server (DNS) (for example, Your service provider might also give you a secondary DNS address, so note that, too.

Mail and news server names (you might have two servers for mail, one for incoming mail (POP3 or IMAP), and one for outgoing mail (SMTP)

The IP addresses or host names of your service provider's mail servers (for example, or and news server (for example,

Publishing location

The location (URL) on your ISP's server where you publish your web pages.

Using An Existing Account

Before you use Communicator, it's very important to make sure your modem software is installed and the modem is turned on and connected properly to your computer and phone line. For more information, see "Checking Out Your Modem" on page 18. Also, quit any other programs you may be using that use the modem.

When you have an Internet account but have not previously used Netscape Navigator or Communicator, Account Setup asks you to enter your account information. Be sure you have filled out the information in "If You Currently Have An Internet Account" on page 19, then follow these steps to use Account Setup:

  1. From the Start menu, choose Programs, and then choose Netscape Communicator. From the submenu, choose Account Setup.
  2. Using the radio buttons on the bottom of the screen that appears, choose whether you want to create a new account or overwrite an existing account.
  3. Click Create Account or Overwrite Account, depending on the choice you made in step 2.
  4. When the Welcome screen appears, click the Start Account Setup button.
  5. When the Start Account Setup screen appears, click the I Already Have an Internet Account button.
  6. Continue through the rest of the Account Setup screens, entering the requested information.

If you don't understand what information Account Setup is asking you to provide or aren't sure what action you should take, click the Help button. You can leave Account Setup at any time by clicking the Exit button. Later, when you return to Account Setup, you will find that it has retained all of the information you entered.

  1. Click Connect Now or Done.

Click Connect Now to connect to your account right now. Account Setup opens your connection software and dials your modem to establish a connection with your Internet account. This may take a few minutes. When the connection is established, Account Setup opens a Netscape Navigator browser window so you can immediately begin your online session.

Click Done if you don't want to connect right now. When you're ready to connect to the Internet, all you have to do is start Communicator by double-clicking its icon on your desktop or in the Netscape Communicator folder.

Before Creating a New Account

An Internet account is your way to gain access to the Internet--paid for by you and registered in your name. In most cases, Internet access is provided by an Internet service provider (ISP) who completes the dial-up connection between you and the Internet.

ISPs are companies that have their own computers, called servers, that provide a connection point between you and the Internet. ISPs commonly provide the following:

Tips on Choosing an ISP

When you use Account Setup to select a service provider, you get to look at and compare a number of different providers. This section provides some tips to help you choose the service provider that best meets your needs.

Local Access in Your Area Code

Most providers give you a local access number that lets you connect without incurring long distance telephone charges. If you are unsure that the provider's access number is a local call, check with your phone company to find out if the provider's access number is a number you can use without incurring additional telephone charges.

Payment Plans

Different service providers offer account plans for different needs. For example, you might want to choose a plan that offers a low monthly fee for a limited number of hours and then charges more for additional hours (hourly rates). If you know you'll be using the Internet for only 10 or 15 hours a month, this might be the best plan for you.

Other providers offer unlimited connection time for a higher monthly fee (flat rates). If you think you'll be using the Internet for more than 15 hours a month, unlimited access probably makes more sense for you.

Some providers allow you to save money by prepaying for six or twelve months. This option lowers your monthly charges. Other providers allow you to bill the charges to your phone bill.

Web Page Hosting

Another major consideration when you're choosing an ISP is its ability to let you create and maintain your own web page. All ISPs offer browsing services (allowing you to look at existing web sites). If you're going to be creating and maintaining your own page, be sure you choose an ISP that provides web page hosting. Make note of how much storage space you get for your page. A web page that uses a lot of graphics, sounds, or animations requires more storage space. Also, some ISPs charge extra fees based on the number of people who access the page, so you may want to choose an ISP that doesn't charge this fee.

Gathering Your Billing Information

To create a new Internet account with an ISP, you'll need to provide the ISP with your billing information. Write down the following information before you begin using Account Setup:

Some ISPs allow you to bill your connection charges to your telephone number instead of to a credit card account (just in case, be sure and have a phone bill handy). §
Creating a New Account

You'll use Account Setup to

Before you run Account Setup

After you've installed Communicator and restarted your computer, you're ready to use Account Setup. Follow these steps to run Account Setup:

  1. If you haven't already done so, install Communicator as described in Chapter 2, "Installing Communicator."
  2. From the Start menu, choose Programs, and then choose Netscape Communicator. From the submenu, choose Account Setup. Communicator starts and the opening screen of Account Setup appears.
  3. Click Create a new account in the screen that appears.
  4. When the Welcome screen appears, click the Start Account Setup button.
  5. When the Start Account Setup screen appears, click the I Want to Create a New Internet Account button.
  6. Continue through the rest of the Account Setup screens, entering the requested information.

If you don't understand what information you should enter or aren't sure what action you should take, click the Help button on the Account Setup screen. You can leave Account Setup at any time by clicking the Exit button. Later, when you return to Account Setup, you will find that it has retained all of the information you entered.

  1. When you see the Connect to Netscape screen, you're ready to temporarily connect to Netscape's Internet Account Server and retrieve information about the ISPs that offer Internet access in your area.

After Account Setup retrieves this information, it disconnects you from Netscape's Internet Account Server. You'll then be able to compare the services offered by different ISPs, choose the ISP that best meets your needs, and connect to that ISP to create your account.

  1. Click the Connect To Netscape button.

Account Setup connects to Netscape's Internet Account Server, transfers the ISP information to your computer, and then disconnects. It may take a few minutes for Account Setup to connect to Netscape's Internet Account Server. If Account Setup can't establish a connection, Account Setup will let you know. Keep trying or quit Account Setup and try connecting later. If you still can't connect, see Appendix A, "Troubleshooting and Error Messages."

  1. After Account Setup disconnects from Netscape's Internet Account Server, you're ready to choose an Internet Service Provider. Continue with the steps in the next section.
Choosing an Internet Service Provider

Netscape's Internet Account Server provides you with information that allows you to compare several different Internet service providers that offer Internet access in your area.

For more information on choosing an ISP, see "Before Creating a New Account" on page 22 or use the Account Setup help.

Follow these steps to choose a provider:

  1. Follow the instructions on the screen to compare ISPs. To see more information about a particular ISP's services and pricing, click More Info.

You can compare the services and pricing for several ISPs before deciding which one is best for you.

  1. To see additional service providers (if available in your area), click Show More ISP's.

You can look at the information for as many ISPs as you wish before making your decision.

  1. When you're ready to choose an ISP, go to the More Info page for that ISP.
  2. Click Choose this ISP.
  3. In the next screen, choose the telephone number (if more than one is available in your area) that Account Setup dials to connect to the ISP you've chosen.

This is the telephone number Account Setup uses to connect to the ISP so you can create your new account. In most cases this is a toll-free number. If you are unsure that the provider's access number is a local call, check with your phone company to find out if the provider's access number is a number you can use without incurring additional telephone charges.

  1. Click the Connect to ISP button to connect to the ISP you've chosen so you can set up a new account.

Account Setup uses the phone number you chose to connect to the ISP.

It may take a few minutes to connect to the ISP you've chosen. If Account Setup can't establish a connection, or if the number is busy, Account Setup will let you know. Keep trying, choose another ISP, or quit Account Setup and try connecting later. If you still can't connect, see Appendix A, "Troubleshooting and Error Messages."

  1. Follow the instructions on the screen to set up your account.

When you've finished creating the account, a screen appears showing you the account information (your login name, password, ISP support number, and so on).

  1. When Account Setup asks you if you want to save your account information, click Save Account Information to save this information in a text file. Make sure you save the file in a location that you can remember, so you can print it or refer to it later. If you do not want to save the information in a text file, be sure and write it down so you have it in case you need to go through Account Setup again.
  2. When you reach the final screen, click Done to exit Account Setup.

You're now ready to begin using your account.

Connecting to Your Account
  1. If Account Setup is running, click Done to exit.
  2. From the Start Menu, choose Programs, then choose Netscape Communicator, and then choose Netscape Navigator.
  3. In the Dial-Up Networking dialog box, click OK to begin dialing.

Your modem dials the phone number that connects you with your ISP. A status window displays the status of the connection, and indicates when you are connected.

  1. To end your online session and disconnect, quit Communicator by choosing Exit from the File menu.
  2. Click Disconnect when Windows asks you if you want to close the open modem connection.
About User Profiles

User profiles let several people use the same copy of Communicator. Your user profile stores your Communicator settings (such as preferences, bookmarks, address book, and mail messages) separately from the settings of other users.

If you are the only person using Communicator, Communicator automatically uses your user profile when you start it. However, if you want to share Communicator with other users, they must create their own user profiles to use with Communicator.

If You Are the Only User

If you are the only person using Netscape Communicator and you always use the same Internet account, Communicator automatically uses your user profile each time you start it. If you want to choose a new ISP or create an additional Internet account, you use Account Setup to create the new account. Once you have your new account up and running, be sure to notify your old ISP that you want to discontinue service.

If you've upgraded from a previous version of Communicator, Communicator automatically uses your existing user profile. If you've upgraded from Netscape Navigator, Communicator automatically creates a user profile for you using your previous settings. If this is the first time you've used Netscape Communicator, Account Setup creates your user profile when you go through it.

For more information about how your settings are transferred, see "Upgraders" in Chapter 2, "Installing Communicator."

If You Share Communicator

Multiple user profiles are useful in the following situations:

If you create multiple user profiles, Communicator always asks you to choose a user profile before you can start using it.

To create a new user profile:

  1. Quit Communicator.
  2. From the Start menu, choose Programs, then choose Netscape Communicator, then choose Utilities, and then choose User Profile Manager.
Choosing a New ISP or Creating an Additional Account

If you want to choose a new ISP or create an additional Internet account, you use Account Setup to create the new account.


Once your new account is up and running, call your old ISP and cancel your old account, otherwise your old ISP will continue to bill you for the account. §

Follow these steps to choose a new ISP or create a new account:

  1. If Communicator is running, choose Exit from the File menu to quit the program.
  2. From the Start menu, choose Programs, then choose Netscape Communicator, and then choose Account Setup.
  3. Choose whether you want to create a new account or overwrite your existing account.

If you want to switch to a new ISP, Netscape recommends that you first create a new account with the new ISP. Once your new account is up and running, call your old ISP to cancel your old account.

Creating a new account preserves the connection settings in your old account. However, your new account will not include your old bookmarks, address book entries, or mail messages. To use these items with a new account, overwrite your existing account.

Overwriting your old account replaces the settings Communicator uses to connect to that account. Your existing bookmarks, address book entries, and mail messages will be transferred to your new account.

  1. Follow the steps under "Creating a New Account" on page 24.
What's Next?

Now that you're connected, it's time to learn how to use Netscape Communicator--for correspondence, research, business, and more. You'll also want to take advantage of the special features included with Communicator.

For information on using Communicator, see the online Reference Library, available by choosing Reference Library from the Help menu.