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Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and Resource Center
Integrate the Enterprise
6. Choosing a Technology

Many large data center IS managers will find it is not a case of choosing between "Cedar" and DCOM; both will benefit the enterprise, because the type of application determines which makes the most sense.

The dynamic nature of DCOM means that new application features can be built that do not affect the client, eliminating software distribution and system interrupts. The components are black boxes, providing their functionality through well-defined interfaces. DCOM allows components to talk to each other, regardless of the platform or the programming language. So, components written in Visual Basic, Visual C++, or Java, for example, can all work together to provide the best solution. This also means rapid parallel development of individual components that can then be easily plugged together.

DCOM can be the best choice if the application requires:

  • The mainframe as a peer. DCOM can call objects on Windows NT or UNIX platforms to distribute information and processing.
  • Support for embedded structures in addition to automation data types. DCOM supports both Automation data types and embedded structures, and provides the capability for one server to marshal the interface of another server object. A company may set up an object broker on a mainframe that takes requests from clients, finds an objectùsuch as by reference, location or CPU loadùinstantiates the object and passes the interface back to the client.
  • User-defined types. Using DCOM, developers can create data types of any complexity. A type might contain, for example, all the fields in an origin, destination, or temporary location. When a developer defines the interface, this type is specified instead of specifying all of the individual fields. This makes object calls to the interface much more accessible.
"Cedar" is best if the application requires:
  • Complex data processing. Inherent to "Cedar" is the ability to work in very robust and complicated environments. Developers are insulated from understanding sophisticated processing such as a two-phase commit across platformsùMVS and Windows NT, for example.
  • The application will use the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS). "Cedar" functions as an integrated component of MTS, allowing drag-and-drop registration of type libraries, plus taking advantage of specific MTS features, including load balancing and multithread processing.
  • Program to program communication is required. "Cedar" allows sophisticated communication between applications on different platforms. For example, a client could issue a request to a mainframe program, and based on the output or return code, another host application or server program can be executed and controlled.
  • Maintain the current programming environment. With "Cedar," data center development teams can continue to leverage mainframe development skills because it does not require the team to learn another programming environment or language.


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Thursday, March 27, 1999
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