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Microsoft Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and Resource Center
Integrate the Enterprise
3. Introduction

Many mission-critical systems, ranging from accounting to sales tracking to air traffic control, were created years ago and were typically written in COBOL. According to PC Week, there are over 100 billion lines of this kind of code just in the United Statesùand it is not going away anytime soon. The Gartner Group estimates that 80% of today's legacy applications will be in use in the year 2000. While the importance of these systems is not questioned, the problem of getting the most from legacy systems with new technology has not been easy.

Figure 1   Most legacy data is still stored in VSAM files.

Replacing or re-engineering legacy applications are not widely viewed as cost-effective because migrating them can be complex, especially for non-relational systems. Moving legacy systems to improved host-based technology has not occurred either. For example, in the early 1980s, IBM released its DB2 relational database management system (RDBMS) for the Multiple Virtual Systems (MVS) operating system. Today, many organizations that use mainframes are still dependent on IBM's Information Management System (IMS) and Virtual Sequential Access Method (VSAM), as shown in Figure 1. During 1996, over 2 billion IMS transactions were still being processed daily, according to International Data Corp. The reality is that legacy systems, in one form or another, still provide most online transaction processing for many large organizations.

Therefore, integration is the best strategy for leveraging mainframe-based solutions with new technologies. This approach maximizes the strengths of the existing architecture, allows use of more efficient development languages, operating environments and methodologies, and minimizes the impact of older technology or poor design decisions made in the past. Using Microsoft« Windows« NT Server as the middle-tier and Microsoft SNA ServerÖ for host connectivity, companies can:

  • Access files, relational and non-relational, on multiple platforms.
  • Leverage distributed processing between MVS and Windows NT.
  • "Surf" files on Windows NT, MVS, and OS/400 from a browser.
  • Leverage new screen-scrapping capabilities based on HTML.

Figure 2   Three levels for legacy integration.

You can see in Figure 2 that there are three levels of integration, each designed to maximize data processing assets. At the most basic level are protocols and formats. Included are stable and well-defined standards, such as LU6.2, SNA, and terminal emulators. Next are multiple platforms sharing file and print services, with a single cross-platform login to ease administration of security. The highest level allows location independent data and transactions that support different hardware platforms, and allow program interoperability to provide the most open, flexible solution for legacy co-existence with Intranet, Internet, and client/server systems.

By extending legacy applications and using existing programmer knowledge with the advantages of the desktop, corporations can enjoy multiple benefits:

  • Exploit new technologyùblur the lines between disparate systems while simultaneously taking advantage of a better infrastructure that delivers solutions faster with minimal business disruption to create a competitive advantage.
  • Preserve legacy investmentsùthrough integration, legacy applications can continue to function while being evolved into more flexible and robust systems. Accessing legacy systems and data from networked PCs running custom applications or browsers is essential today. This approach also allows businesses to address any Year 2000 compliance issues in a more orderly and cost-effective fashion.
  • Reduce riskùintegration provides the opportunity to support a migration strategy that can span years. Instead of complete the migration in a single massive project, a step-by-step approach using components helps to ensure success and minimize risk. Once the basic access architecture is in place, needs are prioritized to establish a sequential process, while adding new business value to the organization as each step is completed. Because the existing system is still active, a fallback is possible, minimizing the impact on an organization.
  • Reduce training and support expendituresùwith a staff of many COBOL programmers, IS manages a substantial technical and business advantage that needs to be re-deployed. These groups of developers create high-quality software, and their skillsùcode maintenance, business knowledge, structured methodology, and quality focusùare incredibly valuable. While not all programmers want to move to client/server or Web development, integration allows companies to prioritize developer skills to reduce retraining costs while maintaining high quality support.
  • Improve corporate productivityùby using this strategy, end users and developers are more productive because multiple platforms can now operate together seamlessly. End users can work with a consistent graphical user interface to find information that is location independent, while developers can use the technology to implement the best solution, regardless of the client or server.
Microsoft and its partners understand the importance of these systems to their customers and together offer a collection of affordable, integrated solutions to make accessing legacy systems easier, less expensive, more reliable, and faster. In this paper, we also address common scenarios many organizations are face and outline the technologies available to achieve this goal.


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Thursday, March 27, 1999
1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Terms of use.

This site is being designated as a Year 2000 Readiness Disclosure and the information contained herein is provided pursuant to the terms hereof and the Year 2000 Information and Readiness Disclosure Act.